Story unravels in the backdrop of Egypt with a person bringing Sonu Sood's head and handing it to Sonu's wife Puja Bedi. In order to demolish India and take Shakti Peetham's in control which is Sonu's aim, Puja Bedi trains her elder son as a cruel man. Aishwarya (Ileana), who is the daughter of Central home minister (Prabhu) escapes to Jaipur for a trip with her friends. Prabhu safeguards the Black diamond which was given by Nazar, later he leaves to foreign in search of a gangster (Jackie Shroff) for asking him the Rudrashulam, which the latter denies.
Unknowingly, Ileana carries the black diamond in her bag and Puja Bedi's men tries to attack her for the sake of grabbing the diamond from Prabhu. In this regard Shakti (NTR), who is a guide, saves her from the goons and Ileana falls for him. Here comes a twist, where NTR discloses that he is an NSG Commando secret agent. What is the story behind the black diamond and Rudrashulam? How does Shakti safeguards the Maha shaktipeethams and kills the demons? Is the crux of the story.
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